Creating Tests
- Getting Started with Screen
- Creating a Great Screening Test
- Next-gen VSCode IDE
- Meet Our AI Coding Assistant Cody
- The Codility Task Library
- Project Tasks
- Multi-Stage Tasks
- Screen Governance Settings
- Proctoring: Ensuring Assessment Integrity with Behavioral Events Detection
- Video Proctoring
- Screen Templates
- Identity Verification
- Candidate Interface
- Candidate Interface: Code Editor
- Task Randomizer
- Autocomplete
- Creating Your Own Content: Exclusive technology-specific tasks
- Exclusive Tasks
- Creating Your Own Content: Exclusive technology-agnostic tasks
- Creating Your Content via Partnered Tasks
- Reviewing test details
- Weighted Scoring
- Developer Thinking
- Assessing DevOps Engineers
- Assessing Mainframe Developers & Security Engineers
- Assessing Backend Developers
- Assessing Developers with Project Tasks
- Multiple Response Questions
- Organizing your tests into Folders
- Nested Folders