Here are our recommendations for creating tests while recruiting Backend Developers
No matter what kind of framework you’re currently using, we’ve got you covered.
Regardless of framework, we recommend pairing up one of the real-life tasks of your choice together with a short fundamental task (you can limit the available programming languages to only the ones you want), and, depending on what you need, you may consider adding an SQL or Bash Task.
You can click on any of the example tasks from the list below for the skill that you’re recruiting for.
DotnetPagination - .NET
WarehouseManager - ASP.NET Core
LinkClass - Python
ConfigurationServer - Flask
DjangoBookCounter - Django
AsynchronousTaskRunner - Node.js
LaravelBlogRouting - Laravel
SpringCaching - Spring
SpringHibernatePerson - Hibernate
ActiveRecordValidation - Ruby on Rails
FilesKotlinIo - Kotlin