Fairness Rating shows how good your test is in terms of evaluating candidates' skills relevant to your job descriptions.
Each test with enough data for analysis has a Fairness Rating. It is based on our candidate survey - after finishing the test, we ask your candidates if they feel that the test accurately evaluates their technical skills. Their responses become the basis for the Fairness Rating.
(Note: The view from the image above is visible in the CodeCheck section included with Premium Analytics)
The ladder of the Fairness Rating includes 4 levels:
- Great (76-100%, above global benchmark) - most of the candidates that have taken the test believe that it was relevant and evaluated their skills fairly (no action required)
- Good (51-75%, within global benchmark) - the majority of the candidates believe it's a fair evaluation of their skills but there is a handful of candidates with opposite experience (no urgent action required)
- Weak (26-50%, below global benchmark) - candidates generally feel that your test could be better at evaluating their technical skills relevant to the role (some action required)
- Poor (0-25%, significantly below global benchmark) - most of the candidates believe that the test isn't relevant to the role (urgent action required)
Important note: If there are under 10 evaluations, we deem this as not enough data to assign any fairness rating to this particular test.
You can increase your rating by making your test hyper relevant to the role and following all of our good candidate experience principles (reasonable time limit, tasks relevant to the required skills etc.).
- Tasks are too difficult
- Time limit is too short
- Tasks aren’t relevant to the role
- There are too many tasks
The better your Fairness Rating, the better the candidates experience and employer brand.
If you are not sure how to improve your test to have a better Fairness Rating, feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager for hands-on consultancy or reach out to our Support Team at support@codility.com.