It is important to make sure that your recruitment processes are free of any bias. To enable customers to run technical screening without any bias in Screen, Codility implemented several features that will help you have a technical assessment of your candidate's skills in an anonymized mode.
User roles with anonymization
Engineer and Collaborator user roles allow you to decide whether you would like your technical reviewers to see personal data or not. With Recruiters, you can limit the visibility only to the candidates the given Recruiter invited.
Users with anonymization enabled are able to see the candidate’s full report, with code playback, score breakdown, plagiarism checks and can add their feedback about the candidate as notes on the report without knowing any personal details of that candidate.
They will not see any PII of the candidate whether they’re logged into Codility, looking at their notification email or viewing the shared report link.
This also provides additional security with shared candidate report links - recruiters can share candidate reports with other Hiring Managers or reviewers without worrying about leaking candidate PII. Shared reports will be anonymous by default. Users may log in to see PII (if they have permission level to do so).
Generating anonymous test links
Codility allows you to invite candidates in several different ways. One of them is through generating private test links in Codility without providing any personal data of candidates and sending invites outside of our platform, which means that candidate's PII never gets to our system at all.
If you have any additional questions about Anonymisation or would like to leave your feedback, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at