Take your technical recruiting events to the next level with Events. Events are a self-serve, easy-to-manage way to support candidate technical evaluation at scale. Built on the Screen assessment engine, Events offer the same great candidate experience, accessibility, and security our customers depend on.
Some benefits and features of Events include:
- Run invite-only events.
- Fully self-service – create and manage events within the Codility platform.
- Scalability – ability to easily invite thousands of candidates.
- Export the detailed report after the event concludes.
Creating an Event
To create your Event, you’ll first want to ensure you have created a Screen test you wish to use for the event. Be sure to check out our article on how to create a great screening test for some tips if needed. (Please note that at this time Event will only support the use of our fundamental coding tasks. Real-life or exclusive tasks are not supported.)
Once you have your test created, navigate to Events > Create event. The first section you’ll begin completing is the Event Settings outlined and shown below.
1. Basic Info – Here you’ll be able to set a name for your Event and set its date & time (based on your current time zone). You can also choose the event type as Private, which participants can only access the event via invitation, or Public which participants can self-register on the event page. Once complete, be sure to select Save and Continue in the top right to save your progress and move to the next step.
2. Tasks – Here you will select the name of the test you plan on using. This will populate the selected tasks from the test along with the time to complete the challenge. Once complete, be sure to select Save and Continue in the top right to save your progress and move to the next step.
Important Note: The "Time limit to complete a challenge" is based on the time settings of the Screen test being used for the event. The actual duration of the event only controls how long the event is open for candidates to start their assessment, not how long the tasks themselves will take to solve. For example, the image above shows a test with a 100-minute duration. A candidate starting their assessment with 1 minute remaining before the Event closes will still have the full 100 minutes to complete their test.
3. Branding – The branding section allows you to choose your company's display name, background color, and provide a description of the event. There is also a section where you can incentivize participants to join.
4. Summary – The summary provides the overview of the Event details you've configured including:
- Start and End date/time of the event
- Number of Tasks
- Ability to preview event page
- Programming Languages enabled for the test
- Names of the tasks selected
Once you’ve completed the Event Settings and you’re ready to publish your event, you may do so using the "Publish" button in the top right of the page. If you’re not ready to Publish and need to return to make edits later, select "Close" and your event will remain in Draft status on the Event dashboard. (Important: Once a Event is published, you will not be able to edit the Event Settings. You will still be able to return and invite Participants as needed.)
Inviting Participants to Your Event
Once you’ve published a private event, the next step is to invite your participants. We recommend using the file template which can be downloaded on the Participants step as shown below.
Once you’ve prepared your candidate file, simply upload your excel file and select Send Invites. This will immediately send out the invitation with a link to the Event for your candidates.
While your candidates will receive the invite right away, they will not be able to begin working on their assessment until your event officially begins, based on the start date & time you've configured for your event.
Once your event is officially live, the landing page will update to reflect the Start Coding button. The timer will also begin counting down to when the event closes so your candidates are aware.
For Public Events, your candidates will need to self-register to reserve their spot for the event.
Once they self-register, an email will arrive with a unique link for them to join the event once it has started.
Managing your Events
Creating events, editing your drafts, and exporting results for your Event can all be done via the Event dashboard. You can also view published and past events, as well as drafts.
From the Event dashboard, you can click on the kebab menu (three vertical dots) next to the Event you’d like to review and either Edit your draft events or download the summary report for your past, completed events.
If you have any questions about creating your event or need assistance, please contact us at support@codility.com.