New Codility Tasks introduced into our libraries in July:
Real-life engineering skills:
- HTML/JavaScript: InterceptedForm
- C++: LoggerTemplateHelper
- Scala: TaglessFinalHasher
- Python/TensorFlow: KerasImageClassification
- JavaScript: ApiWithPayloadValidation, TestingCallsToDependency
- Ruby: RestApi (Ruby variant of a language-agnostic task)
Fundamental programming skills:
- Algo: CountBananas, FixTheTable, DiversityString, ConsecutiveElementsDifferences
- SQL: SqlCurrency, SqlCarRace
CountBalloons, MinimalAmplitude, BlocksEqualLength, LargestSequenceGap, SqlSurvey, and SqlElevator were moved into Training Library.
If you need guidance with creating tests or face any issues with our tasks, feel free to contact us at