In order to facilitate the assessment of the candidate's test, we've introduced the Candidate Review workflow. You can assign a reviewer to each test that will be checking candidates' reports and giving their recommendation.
You can also choose to use the Passing Score to cut off some candidates, and review the rest. For senior positions, we recommend to always have a reviewer for the test.
How can I start using the Candidate Review?
In order to begin using the Candidate Review workflow, you need to add a reviewer first. It works on a test basis and each test may have only 1 reviewer at a time - you can change the reviewer at any moment.
To do that, press the 'Assign a reviewer' button that is located in the Test Overview:
Any Admin or Recruiter in Codility can assign a reviewer while any user with access to the test can become a reviewer.
After assigning the reviewer, the reviewer will receive an e-mail message that informs them about it. It also allows the reviewer to go straight to the test:
I've been assigned as a reviewer. What can I do now?
Besides the initial message, as a reviewer, you will be also receiving daily notifications about candidate reports that need to be reviewed, for each test you're assigned to, so you don't have to check it by yourself, even if you aren't a report recipient.
Once one of your candidates finishes their test, you'll be able to go to the 'Review' tab and put your recommendation there. You'll be able to choose 1 out of 3 marks and leave more information in a note whenever necessary:
After submitting your review, you'll be able to edit it if you change your mind later.
How can I quickly take a look at the test reports that have been already reviewed/need reviewing?
You can use filters in Test Mission Control in order to filter out the unwanted test reports. Besides the filters already present in the Sessions tab, you can show only reports from candidates that scored above the Passing Score or the ones that have or haven't been reviewed.
Can I add more than one reviewer to a single test?
Yes! If you have a large recruitment funnel that requires more reviewers to handle it efficiently, then we can enable an option to add multiple reviewers. In order to do that, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or to
Once enabled, you'll be able to add more reviewers to your tests:
All candidate sessions will get evenly distributed between all the reviewers and reviewers will only receive notifications for the reviews that are assigned to them. Please note that it's impossible to add multiple reviews for a single candidate report. If your colleague had already left their review, then you will only be able to edit it.
If you need to fill in for one of your colleagues and review candidate reports assigned to them, then you can use the additional filter option:
If you have any additional questions about Candidate Review or would like to leave your feedback, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at