The next time you create a test in Codility, you might notice something a little different. We've redesigned the way you create tests into 3 stages.
Starting with the name of your test, to the tasks included, through to settings, our new test creation flow will guide you more closely through the test creation process.

First off, you'll name your test. We recommend using the role title, or something similar.
Second, you'll select the tasks. Using filters, you can quickly navigate to the type of task you're looking for. Codility's Library is made up of tasks assessing fundamental programming skills, real-life engineering skills, and technical knowledge. You may also select tasks from your custom library - created by you and your colleagues.
Third and finally, you'll edit the test settings.
This covers settings like the total time allowance you want to give, languages you want to leave enabled for the candidate to select from, and whether you want the candidate to get instant feedback after their session.
If you have any questions or feedback, contact us at