When creating tests, you can limit which languages your candidates may use. We always recommend giving your candidates as much choice as possible.
- C (GCC 6.2.0)
- C++14 (G++ 6.2.0)
- C++20 (G++ 10.3.0)
- C# 6.0 with .NET 4.7 (partial) (Mono 6.12)
- Dart 2.19.2
- Free Pascal 3.0.4
- Go 1.13.8
- Java SE 8
- Java SE 11
- JavaScript (Node.js 14)
- Kotlin 1.6.0
- Lua 5.3
- Objective-C (clang 3.8.0 & GCC 5.4)
- Perl v5.30.0
- PHP 7.4
- PostgreSQL 9.4 / psycopg 2.9.3
- Python 3.8.10
- Ruby 2.7.0
- Rust 1.61
- Scala 2.12.15
- SQLite 3.11
- Swift 5.8
- TypeScript 4.9.3 (Node.js 18)
- VB.NET 4.0 (Mono 6.12)
- .NET core 2.1 - 3.1
- Angular 4.3.6 - 15.0.0
- Android 27
- Ansible 2.8
- Bash 4.3 - 5
- Chef 4.7.73
- Cucumber 6.0.5
- CSS 3
- C++17
- Dart 2.13.3 - 2.19.0
- Docker (docker-compose) 3.7
- Docker (Dockerfile) 19.03
- Elasticsearch 7.9.1
- GitLab CI 12.8.6
- Go 1.13.8-1.23
- Hibernate 4
- Helm 3.0.2
- HTML 5
- Java SE 8 U171
- Java SE 11
- Java SE 17
- Jest 25.1 - 27.5
- jQuery 2.1 - 3.6
- jUnit 4.12.0 - 5.9.3
- Kotlin 1.3.21 - 1.8.21
- Kubernetes 1.16.0
- Laravel 10.2.2
- Minitest 5.14
- Mocha 6.2.2 - 10.7.3
- MongoDB 4.2
- MySQL 8.0
- Node.js 11.14.0 - 20.5.1 (most tasks use 18.9.0)
- PHP 7.2.7 - 8.0.0
- PostgreSQL 10.4
- PowerShell 7.0.0
- PySpark 2.4.5
- PyTest 3.5.5 - 8.2.2
- Python 3.6.0 - 3.12 (most tasks use 3.8.5)
- React 16.8.6 - 18.2.0
- React Native 0.63
- Redux 4.0.5
- Robot Framework 3.0.4
- Ruby 2.5.1 - 2.7.1
- Rails 5.1.6 - 6.1.4
- RSpec 3.8.0 - 3.9.0
- Rust 1.56.1 - 2021 edition
- Scala 2.12 - 2.13.8
- Scalatest 3.1
- Selenium 3.13.0 - 4.8.3
- Serverless Framework 1.67.3
- Solidity 0.4.23 (Node.js version 9.11.1)
- Spark 2.4.5 - 3.1.1
- Spring Framework 5.1.5 - 5.1.8
- Spring Boot 2.0.5 - 3.3.0
- Spring Web MVC 5.0.7
- SQLite 3.11.0
- Swift 5.1.0 - 5.9.0
- Symfony 5.2
- Terraform 0.14.7 - 0.15.0
- Testify 1.8.0 - 1.9.0
- TestNG 6 - 7
- TypeScript 4.0.3 - 5.3.3
- Vue.js 2.7.7
- xUnit 2.3.1 - 2.4.1
- aiohttp 3.4.4
- async-timeout 3.0.1
- automapper 9.0.0
- Camel Spring Boot Starter 3.19
- cors 2.8.5
- Django 2.0.5 - 4.1.5
- Express 4.18.2 - 5.4.13
- flask 1.0.2 - 3.0.0
- kafka 2.12.0
- lodash 4.17.14 - 4.17.21
- ML.NET 1.3.1
- guice 4.2.0
- serverless 1.43.0
- dynamodb-local 11.11
- lombok 1.18.4
- dropwizard-core 1.3
- chai 4.2.0 - 4.3.6
- sinon 7.5.0
- nock 11.7.0
- protobuf 3.13.0
- puppeteer 5.2.0
- reselect 4.0.0
- rxjs 6.6.0 - 6.6.3
- SQLAlchemy 1.3.23
- stripe 11.11.0
- Python 3.8.0 - 3.12
- R 3.6.1 - 3.6.3
- NumPy 1.17.4 - 1.26.2
- Pandas 0.25.3 - 2.0.3
- scikit-learn 0.21.3 - 1.3.1
- scipy 1.3.3 - 1.11.4
- Tensorflow 2.18.0
- Torch 2.5.1
- imbalanced-learn 0.4.3
- gensim 3.8.1
- nltk 3.4.5 - 3.7
- caret 6.0-86
- tidyverse 1.3.0
- C99
- C++20 (with Catch2)
- C# (with xUnit) core 2.1
- Golang (with testing) 1.12.4
- Java (with JUnit 5) SE 8 U171
- Java SE 11
- JavaScript (with Jest/Mocha/React) with Node 14.17.1
- Kotlin (with JUnit 5) 1.3.21
- Node.js (with Jest or Mocha) 11.13.0
- Objective-C 2.0.0
- PHP (with PHPUnit) 7.2.7
- PostgreSQL 10.4.0
- Python (with PyTest) 3.7.0
- Python (Data Science) Python 3.8.0, NumPy 1.17.4, Pandas 0.25.3, scikit-learn 0.21.3
- Ruby (with RSpec) 2.6.2
- Scala (with Scalatest) 2.12.3
- Swift (with XCTest) 5
- TypeScript (with Node.js v17) 4.8.2
- Plain Text
When creating your technology-specific custom content, you have access to the following languages/technologies:
- Bash 5.2
- C++ 20
- C# 10.0 with .NET 6.0
- Dart SDK 3.0.6
- Elixir 1.15.4
- Go 1.20.6
- Java 17
- JavaScript (Node.js 18)
- Kotlin 1.9.0
- PHP 8.2
- PostgreSQL 15
- Python 3.11
- R 3.6.3
- Ruby 3.2.2
- Rust 1.73.0
- Scala 3.3.0
- Swift 5.8.1
- TypeScript 5.1.6 (Node.js 18)
Routinely we update our language support as new versions are released and requested. If you have any additional questions about supported technologies or would like to leave your feedback, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at support@codility.com.