In rare cases, when you try downloading a file submitted by your candidate, you may get a message saying "The uploaded file was determined as possibly dangerous to open" or "File with forbidden file extension found in archive".
This may happen in the following cases:
- Our anti-virus triggered it. The file was determined dangerous by our anti-virus, Clamav, which we use to make sure all submitted files are safe.
- Files inside the submitted zip file have a forbidden extension. The following extensions are forbidden within a zip file: ".ade", ".adp", ".asd", ".asf", ".asx", ".bas", ".bat", ".chm", ".cil", ".class", ".cmd", ".com", ".cpl", ".crt", ".dat", ".dll", ".doc", ".dot", ".eml", ".exe", ".hcp", ".hlp", ".hta", ".hte", ".htm", ".inf", ".jse", ".lnk", ".mda", ".mdb", ".mde", ".mdw", ".msc", ".msi", ".msp", ".nws", ".ocx", ".pif", ".pl", ".pm", ".pot", ".pps", ".ppt", ".reg", ".rtf", ".scr", ".sct", ".shb", ".shs", ".sys", “.vb", ".vbe", ".vbs", ".vcf", ".wmd", ".wms", ".wmz", ".wsc", ".wsf", ".wsh", “.xls", ".xlt", ".xlw", ".zlb",".zip", ".rar", ".gz", ".tgz".
- A file inside the zip is > 60MB. We also don't allow the size of all uncompressed files (sum of the sizes) to exceed 60MB.
- Zip file is password protected. We don't support password protected zips.
We recommend reaching out to your candidate and, for example, ask them to remove the file with forbidden extension from the submitted zip.
If you have any additional questions about candidate's file or would like to leave your feedback, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at