Interview is a great way to assess candidates in a real-time technical interview. You can have multiple hiring managers/engineers join the session and work on a problem with the candidate, connecting voice and video as needed.
Adding Participants
When creating your Interview you can assign a candidate and an interviewer(s) to it. Please note that an e-mail will not be sent to the candidate unless the interview is scheduled.
If adding an existing candidate, you can select the "Add candidate's assessment report" in order to include their it from a previous session.
Add Content
When creating your interview, you are able to add specific content such as a pre-built assessment, interview questions, and/or a Miro Board.
You can save your content selections as a template for future interviews; this approach will help standardize the process when interviewing multiple candidates for a specific role.
Scheduling an Interview
You can choose the date, time, and duration of an interview when creating the session. If a candidate and interviewer are assigned, they will receive an email with a calendar invitation. E-mails will not be sent to the candidate if the interview is not scheduled. You can schedule an interview either when creating it or at a later time through the Interview dashboard.
If the arrangements on your end change and you need to reschedule an interview, you can do so in the Interviews dashboard.
When an interview is rescheduled, participants are notified about the changes.
When you're setting up a session without scheduling it, you will need to send your candidate the session URL. When it's time for the interview, the candidate will open the URL, click "enter as candidate" and fill in their details before entering the session.
Please note, only once the interviewer has entered and clicked "Start interview" the candidate can enter the interview.
List of Interviews
When reviewing your list of scheduled and completed interviews, you can see specific details of them, as well as make modifications to scheduled interviews. You can:
- Modify the interview name
- Add interviewers
- See the status
- By hovering over the status, you can see the status date
- Review the different types of tasks and questions within the interview
- Date and time for scheduled interviews
- Go to the room to make prepare the interview, such as adding individual tasks
- Results will appear here upon completion of the interview
- Copy the link to send to the candidate or other interviewers
- Copy or delete the interview
Interviewer Notes
Interviewers with a Codility seat can now take notes during an interview directly in the application. Notes can be reviewed and edited in the interview report. In-app notes make the interview process more streamlined by reducing the number of tools needed and are a convenient way to consolidate feedback and notes on candidate performance.
- Interviewer notes are not visible to candidates
- Interviewers can only edit their own notes, and can only see others’ notes on the interview report if they have an admin seat.
During an interview, interviewers can set a Global Timer to help manage their time effectively and gain better insights. The duration is customizable and will be shared with both the interviewer and candidate once active.
An audible countdown and notification will alert both the interviewer and candidate when the timer hits zero. This feature allows tailored time management based on the conversation flow, ensuring smooth transitions between different stages of the interview.
Please keep in mind that the expiration of the timer does not automatically end the interview. It is simply a tool to help interviewers manage the time spent on an interview or sections of an interview.
Using Whiteboard, both the interviewer and candidate can quickly draw diagrams and shapes to translate technical questions on a high level.
Whiteboard details are then reflected in the final interview report.
You can join the interview with audio and video for a live interview. As an interviewer, you can enable fullscreen video mode so the interviewer(s) can minimize distractions when coding isn’t happening and focus on speaking with the candidate directly.
Candidate Practice Session
Candidates can now join a practice interview session before their actual interview begins. During a practice session, they can:
- Take a guided tour of the platform.
- Understand how to work on a task and code effectively.
- Learn how to join a call and use the chat feature.
- Get familiar with the whiteboard tools.
Why This Matters:
- Interviewers’ Feedback: Candidates often need time to adapt to the platform’s features, which can reduce the time available for meaningful interaction during the interview.
- Preparation Questions: Candidates frequently ask questions about the platform, which can take up significant time for our customers to address.
- Candidate Stress: Many candidates report feeling anxious when navigating an unfamiliar environment for the first time during the interview itself.
If you have any additional questions about Interviews or would like to leave your feedback, please contact us at