New Codility Tasks introduced into our libraries in July:
Real-life engineering skills:
- ExtendArrayPrototype available in JavaScript & TypeScript,
- ExtendArrayClass available in JavaScript & TypeScript,
- ReactGenericInputTypescript available in React (+ TypeScript),
- EmbeddedFileProcessing available in C++,
- DatabaseTransactionsSimulator available in JavaScript,
- ClientSideCaching available in JavaScript,
- StripeEcommercePayments available in JavaScript.
MCQ tasks:
- McqFlutter2 & McqFlutter3: two more MCQs testing Flutter knowledge,
- McqDataCenter1 & McqDataCenter2: two sets of questions about operation and hardware of data centers,
- McqCloudsAwsAzure1 & McqCloudsAwsAzure2: two sets of questions about AWS & Azure cloud platforms,
- McqClientAndAccessManagement1 & McqClientAndAccessManagement2: two sets of questions about IT help desk operations & CompTIA+,
- McqPlatformsAutomation1 & McqPlatformsAutomation2: two sets of questions about platforms & automation (Ansible, Terraform, and Kubernetes),
- McqSystemsAndStorage1 & McqSystemsAndStorage2: two sets of questions about Windows system administration,
- McqNetwork4 & McqNetwork5: two sets of questions about networks
The following tasks are now available in more languages:
- DependencyFinder: now available in C# & JavaScript,
- StateDesignPattern: now available in C#.
Other changes:
- Total revamp of the QA Java Login Page task,
- Our existing Laravel tasks (LaravelBlogRouting & LaravelMoviesValidation) have been updated to use Laravel v10.2.2!
If you need guidance with creating tests or face any issues with our tasks, feel free to contact us at