New Codility Tasks introduced into our libraries in June:
Real-life engineering skills:
- TypeEnrichmentScala: available in Scala,
- ReactGenericSearchTypescript: available in React + TypeScript,
- UrlShortener: available in Python utilizing FastAPI framework.
Bugfixing tasks:
- BugfixingPythonAsciiartH: available in Python,
- BugfixingSticks: language agnostic.
Algo tasks (all language agnostic):
- SqlInterflightCities: a new SQL task,
- McqFlutter1: a new MCQ set for Flutter.
The following tasks are now available in more languages:
- ChainOfResponsibility: now available in Java,
- StringInverter: now available in Go,
- UrlNormalizer: now available in Go,
- DependencyFinder: now available in Python,
- BuilderPattern: now available in Java.
If you need guidance with creating tests or face any issues with our tasks, feel free to contact us at