Candidate Profile is a place that aggregates all of the Screen and Interview activities for each of your candidates into one space so that your hiring team has a unified place to view the candidate’s hiring journey through the qualification process, and can make decisions about the next steps.
How can I get to the Candidate Profile?
You can do that in any tab that features Codility Sessions: it can be done in Test Mission Control, Interview tab, or in the Candidates tab. In each case, clicking on the candidate's name will take you to the corresponding Candidate Profile.
What information can I find in the Candidate Profile?
Looking at a Candidate Profile gives your team visibility over all hiring activities completed or planned with the candidate. The hiring team can easily stitch together where the candidate is in their tech hiring process, whether there are actions pending, and take actions to move the candidate forward.
If you have any additional questions about the Candidate Profile or would like to leave your feedback, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at