New Codility Tasks introduced into our libraries in March 2023:
All newly released Codility tasks are immediately and thoroughly tested against generative AI tools - we also recommend using the “New Tasks” filter together with the “AI Resistance” filter for best results.
Algo tasks:
- PackageDisposal
- DigitSumReplacement
- MergeNeighbors
- MaximizeNDifference
- DominoSequence
- TotalWaitingTime
- DigitString
- RowColumnDeletion
- SkyscrapersHeights
- WordBuilder
- EqualSums
- IntersectingLineChart
- CarAssembly
- BiggestArea
- DifferentDigits
- SparseArray
- TransformString
- CommonDigit
- RectangleLabyrinth
- TwoLetterWords
Coding tasks:
- OneTwoSum
- PairOfTwoDigitNumbers
- LatestDate
- BalancedRectangles
- CheckRectangle
- LongestTwoDigitFragment
- ExchangeCoins
- AlternatingSigns
If you need guidance with creating tests or face any issues with our tasks, feel free to contact us at