New Codility Tasks introduced into our libraries in December:
Real-life engineering skills:
- Java: InheritanceStrategies, SpringHateoasApi, ManageEntityRelationship
- JavaScript: ReactDynamicChipList, ReactMusicPlayer
- Rust: RustConcertEventStructure
- Go: TcpServer
- Ruby: ActiveRecordMigration
- Python: MarkowitzMonteCarloSimulations
The following tasks are now available in more languages:
- RestApi - now available in Java
- TestingCallsToDependency - now available in JavaScript + Mocha
- ApiWithPayloadValidation - now available in 3 new languages: Java, Kotlin and Go
- TestingTrimMethod - now available in Java + TestNG
- StringInverter - now available in 7 new variants: Java + TestNG, JavaScript + Mocha, Python + UnitTest, Ruby + MiniTest, Scala + ScalaTest, TypeScript + Jest, TypeScript + Mocha
- UrlNormalizer - now available in 7 new variants: Java + TestNG, JavaScript + Mocha, Python + UnitTest, Ruby + MiniTest, Scala + ScalaTest, TypeScript + Jest, TypeScript + Mocha
If you need guidance with creating tests or face any issues with our tasks, feel free to contact us at